We're Moving the Studio! Effective March 1st, our new location will be: 223 W. Jackson (kitty corner from the Willis Tower)

Smart, Convenient Corporate Headshots - Downtown Chicago!

Andrew Collings Photography Studio

northeast corner of the loop

Visit Our Downtown Location

Our bright and spacious studio is located in the northeast corner of the Loop! It’s easy to get here by car, cab, or public transit.

Our open and airy studio space features:

By Car, Cab, or Transit

It’s easy to get here by car, cab, or public transit.

70 East Lake Street
Suite 1400
Chicago IL 60601

If coming by car:
Parking is available in a parking garage adjacent to the building or in the Macy’s garage at Wabash and Randolph.

If coming by train:
The studio is a few minutes’ walk from the State/Lake or Randolph/Wabash CTA stations.

We Look Forward to Seeing You Soon

Request a Quote on Your Session Today!

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