Chicago in the summer is a magical place. In any other year, there would be street fairs and concerts, hustle and bustle along the lakeshore, in the parks, and along the riverwalk. Of course, we wish it were like any other summer we’ve had before, but it turns out that this unique time of empty downtown streets makes it much easier to do outdoor headshots. And on top of that who’s not for doing more things outdoors vs inside?
Not long ago, attorney Joseph Wilson found himself in need of a new professional headshot for the upcoming issue of Top 100 Attorneys. “I wanted quality photos,” he told us. We set up an outdoor appointment next to the Daley courthouse – where Joe often finds himself working – and made sure to include the iconic Picasso statue in the background.
“Since the publication was going to be nationwide, the outdoor setting made for a well known Chicago identifier. I wanted a Chicago identifier.”
And boy, did we get it! How powerful to capture a headshot in an empty Daley Center, as if it had been cleared for a film shoot!
But Joe hasn’t been the only person to get this one-of-a-kind shot on Chicago’s streets this summer. We’ve had the pleasure too of photographing family law attorney Cameron Goodman as well as several attorneys for our client Barker Castro Kuban & Steinback, all in prime Chicago locations with either very few or no people in the background. Chicago identifiers are fantastic for outdoor headshots no matter the time of year, but this summer seems to have presented us with some rare opportunities to capture them – with minimal to zero passersby – in all their glory.